Items for Sale
- Somatic Cranial Work (The Sutherland Approach) By Michael J. Shea Ph.D. $45
- The Field by Lynne McTaggart $7
- Visceral Manipulation by Jean Pierre Barral $45
- Visceral Manipulation II by Jean Pierre Barral $44
- Trauma (An Osteopathic Approach) By Jean Pierre Barral & Alain Croibier $45
- Molecules of Emotion By Candace B. Pert $10
- The Web That Has No Weaver (Understanding Chinese Medicine) By Ted J. Kaptchuk $ 15
- The Selfish gene By Richard Dawkins $12
- In Search of Schrodinger’s Cat By John Gribbin $8
- Vibrational Medicine (New Choices for Healing Ourselves) By Richard Gerber, M.D. $8
- Inner Bridges (A Guide to energy Movement and body Structure) By Fritz Frederick Smith, M.D. $11
- Modern Man in Search of Soul C. G. Jung $7
- Focussing By Eugene T. Gendlin, Ph.D. $4
- Naibhu (A spiritual Odyssey) By Valerie V. Hunt $9
- embracing Ourselves By Hal Stone & Sidra Stone $9
- The Living Energy Universe By Gary E.R. Schwartz, Linda G.S. Russek $10
- Light – Medicine of the Future By Jacob Liberman $8 Each (2 Copies)
- Take Off your Glasses and See (A mind/Body Approach to ezpanding Your Eyesight and Insight) By Jacob Liberman $7
- Infinite Mind (Science of Human Vibrations of Consciousness By Valerie V. Hunt $17
- Healing from the Core (A Journey Home to Ourselves) (A Comprehensive Tape Series from the Yearlong training “Healing from the Core” and the Intensive “Supporting the Compassionate Heart: Grounding and Healthy Boundaries” By Suzanne Scurlock-Durana $40
- Anatomy Trains (Myofascial Meridians for Manual and Movement Therapists) Thomas W. Myers – $25
- Anatomy of Movement Blandine Calais- Germain – $18
- A Child is Born by Lennart Nilsson $10
- The 10-Step Protocol – John E. Upledger D.O., O.M.M – qty. 6 $25 each