Pam Kapoor

Diplomate Certified CranioSacral Therapist


History of Colorpuncture Therapy

Starting in the 1970s, Colorpuncture inventor Peter Mandel began integrating theoretical and empirical data on the effects of color, the philosophy of Chinese medicine and the latest findings of modern photon physics. A lengthy professional association with German biophysicist Fritz Albert Popp provided Mandel with the theoretical basis for his work. In his studies of human cell communication, Popp demonstrated that normal living cells emit a steady stream of photons (particles of light) called biophotons. Popp hypothesized that these act as carriers of information in living organisms, and that a cell will show an increase emission of biophotons (and disturbed information flow) whenever its functions are no longer in a state of balance. Mandel went one step further by suggesting that these cellular changes also eventually affect the electrical receptivity of related zones and acupoints on the surface of the skin. (Published in Acupuncture Today, June 2002)

What is Colorpuncture?

It is a revolutionary and unique method of holistic healing and one of Europe’s most popular new alternative healing techniques.

Colorpuncture is based on the principles of acupuncture and many other alternative therapies, but uses colored light instead of needles. It is designed to address the non-physical origins of illness as well as its physical symptoms.

Colorpuncture involves focusing colored light on acupuncture points on the skin in order to energize powerful natural healing impulses in our physical and energy bodies. Colorpuncture gently unlocks and releases emotional trauma and blocked soul information that often underlies our illnesses. As proper information flow is restored, patients report not only changes in their bodies, but improved emotional outlooks and a clearer sense of life direction after treatments along with the improvement in the physical health.

How Does Colorpuncture Work?

Cells in the body communicate through the language of light by absorbing and releasing it. Visible light is constituted of different colors that represent pure information in the form of different vibrational frequencies. Treating with color is a way to introduce pure information with the aim of correcting the disharmonic vibrations of the cells. Acupuncture meridians are the pathways that transmit light and are used for the precise introduction of color into the body.

Who can benefit from Colorpuncture?

Colorpuncture can be safely used on newborns to adults of any age. This technique can be used by healthy individuals to maintain their health, for relaxation and for someone with emotional and physical symptoms.

Colorpuncture is used to prevent diseases and conditions before the physical symptoms appear in the body and to treat existing diseases and conditions.

  • Allergies / Ear infections / Tinnitus
  • Headaches / migraines
  • Asthma / Bronchitis / Sinus problems
  • Addictions
  • Lymphatic problems / Edema
  • PMS and Endocrine imbalance
  • Immune system problems
  • Depression, stress, or anxiety
  • Learning disabilities
  • Birth / childhood traumas
  • Digestive system problems: IBS, gastric reflux, hyperacidity, etc.
  • Colds, coughs and Flu etc.
  • Circulatory problems: heart palpitations, blood pressure, etc.
  • Reproductive system problems
  • Urinary system problems
  • Respiratory disorders
  • Acute and chronic pain
  • Arthritis / Rheumatism / Joint pain
  • Numbness of the extremities